Bisque Stamped Tray

Students are shown a Ceramics Daily Video about handbuilt trays made by pressing a bisque fired form into the clay.

Students are to make a small tray stamp first. Emphasis is put on making the edges rounded and smooth.

After the tray stamps are fired, students put a slab of clay on a sponge mat and press the fired stamp into the slab to make an impressed shape on the slab. The slab is then refined and smoothed with a sponge before details are added.

(Two trays must be made from the students' stamp.)

2 points -- smooth stamp made with an interesting shape
2 points -- Nicely stamped trays
3 points -- Tray detailed with images/abstract designs/handles/feet added to the tray.
2 points -- Quality and Workmanship of both Stamp and finished Trays
10 points total

local vid