First day 20 photo Flickr Inspiration

Students are to browse the Flickr website for inspirational photos. (The Gallery Section under the Explore menu is a good place to start.) These can be photos the student likes or ones that they might like to try during this class or something that captures their imagination in some way.

Students should make a document with a text editor and, when they find a photo they like, copy the address, paste it into their text document, and on a separate line describe why they like this photo or what was inspiring about it.

When they have addresses and descriptions for the 20 photos, students will email their text document to the teacher:

Half Point for each photo and description.
10 points total

Some examples are shown below:
I love this photo because of the colors. I want to try to do something similar this winter on the lake near my house.
This photo inspires me to stage a photo of my friends dressed up and posed in an unusual situation. I really like the dark lighting effect on the left side of the photo. It makes the subject a little scarier.