General Technology

E-learning Assignments

  • 1) Electric Vehicles: Watch this video about 5 Electric Vehicles write an essay/paper that includes a couple sentences about each vehicle and the pro's and con's of each. Also, explain what you would do to make each vehicle better in some way.

  • Email your essay to Mr. Kulzer ( Be sure to include your name in the essay/paper. Due 3/28

  • 2) Tinkercad: Students should log in to our class at:

    Log in using email. Don't try to "join your class".

  • Username is:
    Password is: ht3dshop

    Start a new design and make sure you change the crazy default name to "your name 1" so I can find your first design.

    The way we're doing this, everyone can see AND EDIT everyone's design. Please be respectful and don't mess with someone else's design. I've tested this with 3 people logged in at once and it works but I'm not sure how it will work if all of us log in. If it's glitchy, maybe log out and come back later.

    Use Tinkercad basic shapes to make the following:
  • A long box with a 20 mm diameter hole in it.
  • A 35 mm tall cylinder
  • A house with a 30X30X30 base, 34X34 roof (any height),
  • Use a different color for 5X5 windows, 5X12 door, and a chimney
  • A tree that fits with the house. (Be creative. It'll be fun to see how different our trees are.)

  • Example here
    Tutorials can be found here.

    Email Mr. Kulzer ( telling me when the project is finished for grading.
    Due 4/3
  • Pieta Extra Credit Click here 4/7 -- No points will be given for the Pieta past this date.

  • 3) Shelter in Place Survival Bunker: Students should use Tinkercad to create a floor plan for a survival bunker to be used during an apocalyptic event, whether that be a war, virus, zombie outbreak or whatever.

  • This should be a compact design that has everything a person needs to live. Be creative and really think what you want/need in the event you had to be locked in this place for a few months. A food storage area. Cooking, sleeping, bathing areas. Decide if this will be underground or above ground or somewhere in between. Show where windows would be if it's above ground. If underground, show how/where light and fresh air would come in. Draw the sinks, countertops, stove, refrigerator, tables, shower/bath, toilet, washer/dryer, bed(s), closets, and anything else you think should be included in this "Shelter-in-Place" Shelter.

    Use the default grid of 1.0 mm. Use a scale of 4 mm = 1 foot. Your house can be no larger than 720 square feet. If you use a box and size it to 120 long by 20 high by 1 wide that makes a good wall size and thickness. (Remember you can type in dimensions by clicking on an anchor point of any selected shape then touching the dimension numbers and typing the exact dimension you want.) Cupboards will fall underneath that while a fridge and kitchen cabinets will stick up higher.

    *-- Hint--* After creating your first wall, copy then paste it, and resize the length as many times as you need to. Also use the Flat view to see your floor plan from the top and easily move ojbects around.

  • We're working in a shared space so we can copy and paste things from one tinker design into another so... Because this is an engineering class and engineers work in teams, you should talk among yourselves and assign certain duties. One of you should create a toilet that we can copy and paste into our bunker. One of you should make a Refrigerator. One of you a Bed, etc. Be sure to measure those items in real life so you make them to scale in tinkercad.
  • YOU MUST use only pieces made in our class or made by you. DO NOT find something on line or in Tinkercad Shape Generators and paste it in.

  • Be sure walls and objects are aligned nicely and measurements are accurate. Label the room dimensions of larger rooms too.

    Example floor plan -- Written explanation -- Silent Video walkthrough

    Write a short explanation of why you made your plan the way it is. Talk about any interesting features and what items you'd include to keep yourself sane if locked in this house for a period of time.

    Email Mr. Kulzer ( when your project is finished and attach your written explanation. This is an extensive project requiring many hours of work so don't put it off too long.
    Due, 4/17.
  • 4) Paper Tower: Students should use their engineering skills to make a tower out of one 8.5X11 inch sheet of paper. The paper can not be thick tagboard or cardstock. Any kind of tape can be used as long as the piece is no longer than 2 inches. Cut the paper and tape any way you want.

    The tower must be free standing (not hanging from the ceiling or the edge of a table). It can be taped to the table or floor at the base of the tower (the "foundation").

    When finished, measure the tower from the table or floor to the top at a 90degree angle from the table or floor. A leaning tower is not measured from the base at the angle it's leaning. We want an accurate measure of the standing height, not length.

    Take a photo of your tower with a person standing by it.

    If it doesn't work the first time, try again. Try as many times as you wish but the photo must show your tower standing on its own nearby a person.

    Grade scale:
  • 48 inches and higher=10 points
  • 32-47.9 inches=9
  • 30-31.9 inches=8
  • 28-29.9 inches=7
  • 25-27.9 inches=6
  • 22-24.9 inches=5
  • less than 23 inches=0

  • Email your photo and the height of your tower to Mr. Kulzer (
    Due, 4/24.
  • 5) Ancient Technology --Tool making: Using materials you have, make a tool that has a specific use.

    Do more than sharpen a stick on the sidewalk and call it a spear.

    I made a bow and arrow out of Willow branches and twine. I used the corner of our cement patio to sharpen parts and cut wedges in to the branches to hold the twine. Picture of the bow -- Picture of the bow being used

    Mason made a Chopstick Helper for those who find it difficult to use chopsticks. See a picture here. See the video here.

    Type an sentence or two (like I did above) about your tool, how you made it, and what it's used for in an email and attach a photo of it. Mr. Kulzer (
    Due, 4/30.

  • 6) Show Me, Tell Me: Imagine yourself in class. Mr. Kulzer gives you a project where you can do anything you want. What would you do?

    Students should either write a paragraph describing what you wish you could do in Art class OR draw/paint/build/tinkercad something showing me what you would do.

    Paste your paragraph into an email, or email a picture of your artwork to Mr. Kulzer (
    Due 5/8

  • 7) Junk Mail Bridge: Use junk mail that is in your physical mail box (Be sure to check with your parents before using anything. DO NOT cut up a bill or their stimulus check!!!) to make a bridge between two stools, books, or tables. You may want to collect a few days worth of mail before starting this project.

  • Use only things from junk mail. (Ask parents before cutting anything)
  • Your bridge should span 12 inches or more.
  • Count how many pennies (or other coins) your bridge can hold.
  • No visible address labels showing.
  • No tape or other materials can be used. Only items that came in the mail
  • Cut and fold to your heart's content

  • John M.'s example can be seen here.

    *(This is the last project for seniors.)

    Email a picture of your bridge holding some coins to Mr. Kulzer ( and tell me how many coins it held before collapsing.
    Due 5/15

  • 8) Final: One of three things can be done for this project:

  • Students can make anything they want with materials they have
  • --OR--
  • Write a paragraph essay reacting to my video below
  • --OR--
  • Submit a short video of yourself responding to my video.

  • Youtube version of my vid here

    Downloadable version of my vid


    Email me ( with your essay, a picture of your artwork, or your short video.
    Due 5/21