Watercolor Landscape

As students follow along, painting with the teacher, the teacher demonstrates how to make birch trees with a credit card, paint a dead branch with quick strokes of a vertical brush, how to use wet into wet techniques to make a sky, and how to scrape out little details like branches and small buildings. (Because I don't feel that I have the skills necessary to teach watercolor painting thoroughly, I use videos of watercolor artists.)

After watching the Landscape Painting video, students are given the opportunity to paint a landscape using techniques demonstrated in class and on the video(s).

List of videos: (held locally on my computer)

Lindsay Weirich's Winter river landscape
Susie Short's Winter birch landscape
Steven Cronin's Imaginary landscape

When possible guest artists are invited to show their work and techniques. In February 2016 we were very fortunate to have Charlotte Laxen show us how she makes her watercolor paintings.

Images of other professional water color landscapes are shown as well.

2 points Based on reality
2 points Use a variety of watercolor techniques
2 points Utilize paper for highlights
2 points Color mixing and blending
2 points Artistic merit and composition
10 points total

Charlotte Laxen's Example done in class:

Charlotte Laxen's work: