Chalk and Charcoal on Colored Paper

Examples of professional artist's chalk and charcoal work are shown so that students can see how artists have used the background paper color in their chalk and charcoal compositions. Each example picture utilizes chalk for highlights, charcoal for shadows and the paper color for mid-tones. As the students decide on what to draw emphasis is placed on using a subject that will work well with the color of the paper they choose.

Students also work through a demonstration with the teacher using charcoal and chalk. Everything from charcoal smudging to dusting the paper and lifting with kneaded erasers, to chalk highlights are tried and demonstrated with simple shapes.


1 point -- Good choice of subject matter
2 points -- Good composition and use of paper color
3 points -- Quality, workmanship, and visual interest
4 points -- good use of black and white to show shadow and highlights
10 points total.