Abstract Expressionism (1950)

Click here for a sample collection to use with instructor's lecture

Student collection of Abstract Expressionism Evaluation:

Uses a minimum of two works (Can not use works seen in teacher collection) to illustrate each of the major themes talked about in the lecture. ( Use of color and painting style to express thought, idea, emotion, “Signature styles” of abstract artists, impact of New York being the center of art world now....)

Brief paragraph (in the student’s own words) about each work including artist, date, culture/geographic location, interesting fact(s), attribution information (where the work was found, MIA, WAC, Tweed museum of art, etc.). The student’s opinion of the work. What the student likes, what the student dislikes and why.

Correctly created an art collection, placed images in chronological order, published and turned in the URL to teacher.

Student Opinion Essay on Abstract Art:

Based on student’s experiences with observation and critique, the student is to write an opinion paper about two works of abstract art, One that they like/enjoy/admire, and one that they do not respond to in a positive manner.


Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Description of the work (sensory and formal properties).
Description of technical properties
Description of the artist’s intent (What do you think the artist intended the viewer to see/feel/experience?).
Depth of student’s opinions/analysis