Tints and Shades

"Good Night Painting"

This project is similar to our "Gradient Snowman" and is done in place of it.

Tinting = Adding White
Shading = Adding Black

A practice session is done first: The teacher demonstrates tinting and shading techniques with paint in front of the class as students follow along on their paper. The term "Gradient" is used to describe how the paints blend from one color to the next. The Art Element "Value" is also explained.

The next session students are shown how to compose their work so that the bright spot is not directly in the center of the painting and now they can use concentric rings of tints to make the "glow" fade out. --Continuing on to shades as the rings reach the ends of the paper.

The next time we meet a black tree silhouette is painted on top of the gradient. The Art principle "Emphasis" is also explained.