Flip Book Animation

Drawing lessons are given prior to this project. The first lesson is how to draw a face we call, "Fred The Roller Head". (Or maybe I'll teach them how to animate a bouncing ball first.)

The teacher demonstrates how easy it is to draw Fred on the board as the students follow along. A hand out with small light circles is given to the students to facilitate consistent drawings. (Students use the circles as a template for Fred's head.)

The teacher, then, demonstrates how to draw Fred from a slightly different angle. It will take 8 drawings to make Fred's head turn all the way around. (These drawings can be repeated in their flip-books to make Fred's head turn around and around.)

After the drawing lessons, Animation examples are shown in the form of video and animated Gif's.

Students are given a pad of paper where they can trace Fred's head into and try flipping through them quickly to see how the animation works.

Students can continue the animation multiple times or create their own in the rest of the flip book. Then they can turn the book over and use the back of each page for another animation.

When we're finished we take some time to view eachother's animation and talk about each.

Run Cycle example