Photoshop Tutorial 1

Atwater Elementary students will learn the basics of the industry-standard photo editing tool, Adobe Photoshop, in a few tutorial lessons throughout the school year.

Adobe, makers of Photoshop and Illustrator, made their CS2 software a free download enabling ACGC to utilize it in our older computer labs. This is a BIG deal because, even at educational licensing prices, it would have cost over $250 per seat for Photoshop alone. Multiply that by the 20+ computers we have in just one of our labs... You get the idea.

Depending on our time schedule, a quick introduction to painting with Photoshop and Photo editing may be presented at the start of this lesson.

Students will learn Photoshop basics by following along on their computers while the teacher demonstrates how to use some of Photoshop's tools. They will then be given time to make their own creation using Photoshop.

Students in Lab 3 will save their work in the Art folder contained in the "Lab" file, using the following convention: Grade number and name (ie 2tommy)

(Click the image below for a gallery of student work)

The classroom lessons pretty much follow my tutorials below which were made for students who were absent or who want to follow along at home.

  • 1 Selections and Brushes
    Quicktime download

  • 2 Constraining Selections and Fill Colors
    Quicktime download

  • 3 Lasso and Move tools
    Quicktime download

  • 4 Magic Wand
    Quicktime download

  • 5 Quickmask Mode to Modify Selections and Undo.
    Quicktime download

  • 6 Transform and Layers
    Quicktime download

  • 7 Practical Quickmask and Transformations
    Quicktime download