Substitute Lesson -- Kulzer's Crazy aquarium

For this lesson, students are given a worksheet that describes how to draw a simple fish.

Students can draw a fish based on the worksheet instructions or any other aquatic animal. (Click the image below to see the wide variety of aquatic animals past students came up with.)

They use crayon to draw and color their fish, then they cut them out and the teacher helps tape them to the chalkboard "aquarium". Students should put their name on the back of their drawing so we can return the fish to the students.

Scissors are in the green tubs on a cart to the left as you're sitting at the desk. Crayons are lower down on the same cart. One container of scissors and two trays of crayons should be put on each art-room table. Please take the glue bottles out and leave them on the card before setting the green containers on the tables. Pencils may be used too but then you've gotta sharpen all of them every couple classes so it's easier just to say, "No pencils". Whatever you want to do is fine.

Please draw a big rectangle on the board representing an aquarium. Then you can tape each fish up inside it as students finish.

The schedule for classes is on the board. My first class comes in at 8:30. (Click here for an image of the schedule.)

THANK YOU for your help today!

This lesson can be found on the Atwater Art website here: